
The club caters for photographers of all skill levels from beginners to highly experienced. You do not need expensive camera equipment to participate in club activities.

We meet at the Valentine Bowling Club at 7.00pm on the second Wednesday of each month. Members can participate in graded print and digital competitions. ZOOM tutorial sessions and hands on workshops occur on the third and fourth Wednesday in each month. Go to About/Help/Contact for more information.

Use the Join Our Club button to set up an account and sign up. Use the About Us button for more information and contacts.

We are now proudly sponsored by


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About our club

Lake Macquarie Camera Club Inc. is an incorporated association that was previously the Belmont 16s Photography Club. We meet at the Valentine Bowling Club on the eastern side of Lake Macquarie. Club members are required to join Valentine Bowling Club as social members.

Objectives of the Club

To provide members of the club with opportunities to advance the standard of their pictorial and technical photographic work.

To promote the exchange of information and ideas about photography through the provision of education and training programmes, newsletters, a website, and other means.

To encourage and assist members to participate in photographic competitions both within and beyond the Club.

Join our Club Special events All events - mouse over for details
11:00 pm Submissions for The Leading Line...
Submissions for The Leading Line...
Jul 22 @ 11:00 pm
Each month the club publishes a newsletter called The Leading Line You will find all the latest news on a variety of topics including what’s happening on Zoom.   Send your submissions to our Newsletter[...]
7:00 pm Committee Meeting
Committee Meeting
Aug 7 @ 7:00 pm – 8:00 pm
The Club Committee meets on the first Wednesday night of each month from 7pm to 8pm via Zoom. If you have any issues that you would like the Committee to consider, please contact the Chairperson[...]
11:00 pm Submissions for The Leading Line...
Submissions for The Leading Line...
Aug 22 @ 11:00 pm
Each month the club publishes a newsletter called The Leading Line You will find all the latest news on a variety of topics including what’s happening on Zoom.   Send your submissions to our Newsletter[...]
Recent Posts Archives

Results for competitions in February 2022 Raw Image Challenge

There were 3 entries that gained our highest award(s).

Members can view all images and comment on them by following this link
View / Comment entries in February 2022 Raw Image Challenge

click here to see a pdf catalog of all competition results

February2022RawImageChallenge copy
Susan Slack – 1st Place
February 2022 Raw Image Challenge

February2022RawImageChallenge Shane
Shane Wallwork – 2nd Place
February 2022 Raw Image Challenge

February2022RawImage Challenge.Toni
Toni Conquest – 3rd Place
February 2022 Raw Image Challenge

by Greg Carruthers, March 28, 2022

April Digital Competition – Closing Date Sunday 10 Aril 2022

Don’t forget to enter your images this week.  B grade members, we would love to see the work that you have been producing.

Your judges are:

Peter Ryan – Colour

Dennis Archibald – Mono

Carol McGrath- Set subject, which is Shadows

The judges are well known for their excellent photography and judging.

by Diane Schofield, March 28, 2022

Zoom “Wildlife of India”

Our last Zoom workshop for March is on this Wednesday March 23rd and our presenter is Andy Hayes from Scotland. Here is just a little of what Andy will be covering in his presentation.

“India is a photographers paradise, no matter what you are interested in capturing. It is also a large country, half the size of Australia but has a population of 1.22 billion!
I first travelled to India in 2014. It was my aim to see my first Bengal tiger in the wild and I was not disappointed.  I visited Bandhavgarh and Kanha National Parks in central India.
I’ve  been back on another two occasions and experienced some wonderful photographic opportunities.
My second two visits were a return  to Bandhavgarh and  new locations of Corbett and Dudhwa National Parks in the north of India.
Corbett, located at the foothills of the Himalayas is a haven for birders and Dudwha has a conservation area for the Indian one horned rhino another species I was keen to photograph.
My talk will take you through all these beautiful places and show you the wealth of opportunities for photographers.”
Zoom will open at 6.45pm for a 7pm start, just follow the usual link.

by Greg Carruthers, March 20, 2022

Important Update – Resumption of Club Face to Face Meetings

I’m pleased to announce the club will resume face to face meetings commencing on Wednesday 13th April, starting at 7.00pm in the upstairs room at the Valentine Bowling Club (VBC). These meetings will continue on the 2nd Wednesday of each month at VBC whilst renovations are continuing at Belmont 16s. Our April and May meetings will have individuals agendas and our normal print competitions will recommence at the June meeting. We anticipate that given the disruption over the last two years that entries in print competitions will take a while to ramp up to what we were seeing prior to Covid. The draft agenda for the April meeting follows and will be confirmed by post on the club web site closer to the meeting:

  • Presidents Update
  • March Digital results
  • Club Website – Colin Woods will discuss recent changes to the website and answer your questions. I  have asked Colin to focus on outlining the capabilities and features of the website with a focus for people new to the club.
  • Coffee and tea break
  • Image Evaluation Forum. This will be similar to on-line sessions. A facilitated forum style discussion on images uploaded to the club website prior to the meeting

In relation to meeting protocols the club will continue to follow the N.S.W. Health guidelines in place at the time. Please don’t come to the meeting if you are feeling unwell. Wear a face mask if you wish and maintain social distancing recommendations. The room we are meeting in is spacious and seating will be well spaced. 

Looking forward to seeing you all at the meeting.

by Dennis Archibald, March 18, 2022

Reminder Zoom Workshop

“White Bird Photography” with Helen Walker. Tomorrow night Wednesday March 16th at 7pm. Follow the Zoom link on the website. Don’t miss this one!

by Greg Carruthers, March 15, 2022