
The club caters for photographers of all skill levels from beginners to highly experienced. You do not need expensive camera equipment to participate in club activities.

We meet at the Valentine Bowling Club at 7.00pm on the second Wednesday of each month. Members can participate in graded print and digital competitions. ZOOM tutorial sessions and hands on workshops occur on the third and fourth Wednesday in each month. Go to About/Help/Contact for more information.

Use the Join Our Club button to set up an account and sign up. Use the About Us button for more information and contacts.

We are now proudly sponsored by


// Action for CLUBS
About our club

Lake Macquarie Camera Club Inc. is an incorporated association that was previously the Belmont 16s Photography Club. We meet at the Valentine Bowling Club on the eastern side of Lake Macquarie. Club members are required to join Valentine Bowling Club as social members.

Objectives of the Club

To provide members of the club with opportunities to advance the standard of their pictorial and technical photographic work.

To promote the exchange of information and ideas about photography through the provision of education and training programmes, newsletters, a website, and other means.

To encourage and assist members to participate in photographic competitions both within and beyond the Club.

Join our Club Special events All events - mouse over for details
11:00 pm Submissions for The Leading Line...
Submissions for The Leading Line...
Jul 22 @ 11:00 pm
Each month the club publishes a newsletter called The Leading Line You will find all the latest news on a variety of topics including what’s happening on Zoom.   Send your submissions to our Newsletter[...]
7:00 pm Committee Meeting
Committee Meeting
Aug 7 @ 7:00 pm – 8:00 pm
The Club Committee meets on the first Wednesday night of each month from 7pm to 8pm via Zoom. If you have any issues that you would like the Committee to consider, please contact the Chairperson[...]
11:00 pm Submissions for The Leading Line...
Submissions for The Leading Line...
Aug 22 @ 11:00 pm
Each month the club publishes a newsletter called The Leading Line You will find all the latest news on a variety of topics including what’s happening on Zoom.   Send your submissions to our Newsletter[...]
Recent Posts Archives

Results for competitions in 2023 February Digital

There were 9 entries that were rated the highest by our judge(s).

Members can view all images and comment on them by following this link
View / Comment entries in 2023 February Digital

Member’s choice voting is available. This just for fun and does not affect the club pointscore. To vote follow the link above.

click here to see a pdf catalog of all competition results

The teacher
Colin Schofield – Honours-Judges-Choice
A Grade Open Colour Digital

Double The Luminosity
Brenton Elsey – Honours-Judges-Choice
A Grade Open Mono Digital

What are you doing in my House
Bob Todd – Honours-Judges-Choice
A Grade SetSubject Digital

Laurie Connolly – Honours-Judges-Choice
B Grade Open Colour Digital

Let Me Out
Wendy Tarrant – Honours-Judges-Choice
B Grade Open Mono Digital

Look who was under the deck – Bluey
Ian Brown – Honours-Judges-Choice
B Grade SetSubject Digital

Chris Prior – Honours-Judges-Choice
Advanced Open Colour Digital

Church of the Good Shepherd NZ
Peter Stanley – Honours-Judges-Choice
Advanced Open Mono Digital

Thirsty Bees
Margot Hughes – Honours-Judges-Choice
Advanced SetSubject Digital

by Diane Schofield, March 6, 2023

March Raw Image Challenge

It’s challenge time again. Download this months image from the website, look for March Raw Image Challenge link in competition area and then select blue button to download file.

This months image must be a conversion to MONOCHROME. Try out some new techniques for B and W. This months Zoom presentation, hosted by Roy Killen, will definitely be worth a look and help with your conversion. Zoom in on March 15th.

Make sure you upload your edited image by March 31st.

Last months image of the fig trees is now open for all members to judge so get involved and take a look at how others have edited the same image

This months image is of the old Stewart and Loyds railway and sheds

by Greg Carruthers, March 1, 2023

March Club Night

Our next club night will be held at the Valentine Bowling Club on Wednesday 8th March, commencing at 7.00pm.

My thanks to the avid readers of Skiffy who noticed my error in the latest edition of Skiffy where I incorrectly stated that the next club meeting was on Wednesday 8th July. Oooops!

Chris Prior will be our guest speaker and will tell us about his experience undertaking a course through the Photographic Society of America. Following Chris’s talk there will the raffle, refresments and then judging of our March print competition by Ian Marriner.

See you all then.


by Dennis Archibald, February 28, 2023

March 2023 Skiffy

Skiffy has launched. You can access this month’s edition by clicking on the link below.

A special thanks to all those in the club who contribute each month. Remember if you have an interesting story to share, a success in a competition or you would like to contribute some images and words for our “Just 3” installment we would love to hear from you.

Skiffy – March 2023

by Dennis Archibald, February 27, 2023

2023 Portfolio Exercise

Just a quick reminder that if you haven’t already contacted me to join the 2023 portfolio exercise group there is still time. We will holding the kick-off meeting a little later in March so if you are holding back because you don’t have a subject in mind I would still suggest putting your name down. I’m sure that glimmer of an idea that you have will materialise soon. This is a great opportunity to pursue a photographic project on a subject of your choice in a collaborative environment and guided by a couple of very accomplished photographers. Just send me an email at bicton36@gmail.com

by Dennis Archibald, February 25, 2023