k Lake Macquarie Camera Club Inc.


The club caters for photographers of all skill levels from beginners to highly experienced. You do not need expensive camera equipment to participate in club activities.

We meet at the Valentine Bowling Club at 7.00pm on the second Wednesday of each month. Members can participate in graded print and digital competitions. ZOOM tutorial sessions and hands on workshops occur on the third and fourth Wednesday in each month. Go to About/Help/Contact for more information.

Use the Join Our Club button to set up an account and sign up. Use the About Us button for more information and contacts.

We are now proudly sponsored by


// Action for CLUBS
About our club

Lake Macquarie Camera Club Inc. is an incorporated association that was previously the Belmont 16s Photography Club. We meet at the Valentine Bowling Club on the eastern side of Lake Macquarie. Club members are required to join Valentine Bowling Club as social members.

Objectives of the Club

To provide members of the club with opportunities to advance the standard of their pictorial and technical photographic work.

To promote the exchange of information and ideas about photography through the provision of education and training programmes, newsletters, a website, and other means.

To encourage and assist members to participate in photographic competitions both within and beyond the Club.

Join our Club Special events All events - mouse over for details
11:00 pm Submissions for The Leading Line...
Submissions for The Leading Line...
Oct 22 @ 11:00 pm
Each month the club publishes a newsletter called The Leading Line You will find all the latest news on a variety of topics including what’s happening on Zoom.   Send your submissions to our Newsletter[...]
Recent Posts Archives

2022 Portfolio Project – Reminder

Just another quick reminder that for those members who want to participate in this exercise in 2022 to notify me by the end of February. If you have any questions please get in touch.

by Dennis Archibald, February 22, 2022

March, April and May Print Nights Cancelled

The committee has decided to cancel the March, April and May print nights.

Print nights will recommence at the Valentine Bowling Club on Wednesday 8th June providing health guidelines in place at the time make it practicable to do so.

Whilst many of you will be disappointed, the committee took this decision to provide some certainty to members over the coming months and to allow the current Omricon wave to subside and with it an easing of restrictions, particularly the mandated wearing of masks in indoor settings. If you have any questions or comments please contact one of your committee members.

by Dennis Archibald, February 15, 2022

2022 Portfolio Project – Reminder

The February edition of Skiffy announced that the club would be running another Photographic Portfolio exercise in 2022. A Photographic Portfolio is a body of work that reflects the photographers personal style and photographic interest. 

Last year the club ran a “Portfolio Competition” for the first time to allow members the opportunity to expand their skills into another area of photography. This “competition” encompassed a presentation early in the year by Craig Parker who outlined his approach to his Portfolio Grading submission to PSA. It was then followed by a club “competition” and subsequent judging by Craig, then a club ZOOM session where the results were presented by Craig and the entrants had an opportunity to discuss their work. There was very positive feedback from members and the club decided to run something similar in 2022. 

This year rather than a competition the club will provide an opportunity for members to work in a collaborative, mentored group to develop a portfolio of images that could be presented to club members later in the year. 

The 2022 Portfolio Exercise will be based on: 

  • Working collaboratively in a study group
  • The groups will operate as  learning groups, not competitive groups
  • The emphasis will be on participation and contribution
  • Each group will have an experienced facilitator/leader, not a controller who will mentor the members of the group
  • Each member will be expected to produce a portfolio of images that includes a title, composite image and a statement of intent. Guidelines for the Portfolio Exercise will allow some flexibility:
    1. Up to 5 Word Title;
    2. Up to 75 word Portfolio Statement;
    3. From 6 to 10 Images as an “Overview Image” with maximum dimensions specified.
  • During the year:
    1. Members indicate they wish to participate
    2. Members are placed into groups. Group size to be determined to allow good participation and involvement.
    3. Groups have a kick-off meeting (via Zoom) where each person talks briefly about what they are thinking of as a Portfolio Topic; Also establish group ground rules at this session;
    4. Progress meetings monthly or bi-monthly via Zoom; share, discuss, provide feedback to others; Evaluating others work and giving feedback is also part of the learning process. Limit number giving feedback (say 2 or 3) on each project, but everyone has to give feedback on at least 1 project;
    5. Could have a guest mentor/speaker once or twice during the year;
  • At the end of the year, those willing, present their work to the Club, show it and briefly talk about it 

If you are interested in becoming involved in the 2022 club portfolio exercise please contact myself by the end of February by sending an email to bicton36@gmail.com 

If you already have an idea of what your portfolio will be about please provide a short description.

by Dennis Archibald, February 8, 2022

Belmont 16s Photography Club – Public Liability Insurance

Following advice from Belmont 16s Sailing Club (the parent club) that we would be unable to use the club premises for our print nights and tutorial nights the committee has been making enquiries about another venue and as you know we settled on Valentine Bowling Club as an excellent alternative. This then led to consideration about whether the parent clubs Public Liability (PL) Insurance would cover us whilst we were not meeting on the Belmont 16s premises. What has become clear from these discussions with club management is that it does NOT provide cover for any activities that do not occur on their premises. However, VBC’s PL Insurance would cover our members either as social members of VBC (if you choose to join) or as visitors.

Members should be aware that at present there is no PL Insurance cover in place for any other club activities. Bus outings and ferry trips undertaken in the past may have provided some level of cover via the businesses used to undertake those trips.

Your committee is continuing to investigate the viability of taking out our own Belmont 16s Photography Club insurance but in the meantime members need to be aware that there is no insurance cover unless the gathering is on a club premises. Social picnics , photo shoots and other outings are not official Belmont 16s Photography Club activities at this time. We are not stopping members from doing anything PRIVATELY but at this stage we are not organising any official club activities that are not on premises where we are covered by PL insurance.


by Dennis Archibald, February 8, 2022

February Print Nights Cancelled

Your committee met earlier this week and took the decision to cancel our February print night given the current health guidelines and NSW Health mandates around compulsory mask wearing in indoor settings. We will continue to monitor the situation and advise when our prints nights will restart. 

by Dennis Archibald, February 4, 2022