The February edition of Skiffy announced that the club would be running another Photographic Portfolio exercise in 2022. A Photographic Portfolio is a body of work that reflects the photographers personal style and photographic interest. 

Last year the club ran a “Portfolio Competition” for the first time to allow members the opportunity to expand their skills into another area of photography. This “competition” encompassed a presentation early in the year by Craig Parker who outlined his approach to his Portfolio Grading submission to PSA. It was then followed by a club “competition” and subsequent judging by Craig, then a club ZOOM session where the results were presented by Craig and the entrants had an opportunity to discuss their work. There was very positive feedback from members and the club decided to run something similar in 2022. 

This year rather than a competition the club will provide an opportunity for members to work in a collaborative, mentored group to develop a portfolio of images that could be presented to club members later in the year. 

The 2022 Portfolio Exercise will be based on: 

  • Working collaboratively in a study group
  • The groups will operate as  learning groups, not competitive groups
  • The emphasis will be on participation and contribution
  • Each group will have an experienced facilitator/leader, not a controller who will mentor the members of the group
  • Each member will be expected to produce a portfolio of images that includes a title, composite image and a statement of intent. Guidelines for the Portfolio Exercise will allow some flexibility:
    1. Up to 5 Word Title;
    2. Up to 75 word Portfolio Statement;
    3. From 6 to 10 Images as an “Overview Image” with maximum dimensions specified.
  • During the year:
    1. Members indicate they wish to participate
    2. Members are placed into groups. Group size to be determined to allow good participation and involvement.
    3. Groups have a kick-off meeting (via Zoom) where each person talks briefly about what they are thinking of as a Portfolio Topic; Also establish group ground rules at this session;
    4. Progress meetings monthly or bi-monthly via Zoom; share, discuss, provide feedback to others; Evaluating others work and giving feedback is also part of the learning process. Limit number giving feedback (say 2 or 3) on each project, but everyone has to give feedback on at least 1 project;
    5. Could have a guest mentor/speaker once or twice during the year;
  • At the end of the year, those willing, present their work to the Club, show it and briefly talk about it 

If you are interested in becoming involved in the 2022 club portfolio exercise please contact myself by the end of February by sending an email to 

If you already have an idea of what your portfolio will be about please provide a short description.