The 2024 AGM for our club will be held at Valentine Bowling Club on Wednesday 21st August at 7pm. This will precede the August Club night.

Meeting Agenda:

  1. Welcome and Opening of Meeting
  2. Apologies
  3. To approve the minutes of the last meeting which was held in August 2023. The Minutes of last year’s AGM can be found at the following link – Minutes of Meeting 2023 AGM
  4. To receive the Presidents 2024 Report – 2024 AGM Presidents Report
  5. To receive the club’s 2024 Financial Reports – Financial Annual Report 2024 and Financial Notes for AGM 2024
  6. Election of committee members for 2024-2025. – refer Presidents Report
  7. General Business
  8. Date of next AGM – 2nd Wednesday in August 2025
  9. Close of AGM.

The Club must elect the following positions: President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer and a minimum number of 3 general committee members. This is the minimum but there is scope for additional general committee members.

The specified positions are essential to the running of the club. There are several other important roles which are also necessary that do not require formal voting at the AGM.

If you are unable to attend the AGM in person you may wish to join via ZOOM conference using the club’s Zoom link on our web page.