The Street Photography Interest Group will be kicking off via a Zoom presentation by myself  this coming Tuesday night, 20th August, commencing at 7.30pm. The presentation will introduce street photograpghy as a genre of photography and will discuss equipment, camera settings, subjects, techniques, safety, legal and ethical considerations.

The presentation will be followed by a photoshoot on Sunday 25th August at Carrington. We will be meeting at Groundup Espresso, 120 Young Street, Carrington at 12noon. Around 1.00pm we will head off and wander the streets of Carrington with the aim of capturing some images that “talk to” the character of Carrington. Finish around 3.00pm. If you intend to come on the photoshoot please RSVP to myself via email or by text 0438 403 933.

Everyone is welcome to attend the zoom session and the outing.