
The club caters for photographers of all skill levels from beginners to highly experienced. You do not need expensive camera equipment to participate in club activities.

We meet at the Valentine Bowling Club at 7.00pm on the second Wednesday of each month. Members can participate in graded print and digital competitions. ZOOM tutorial sessions and hands on workshops occur on the third and fourth Wednesday in each month. Go to About/Help/Contact for more information.

Use the Join Our Club button to set up an account and sign up. Use the About Us button for more information and contacts.

We are now proudly sponsored by


// Action for CLUBS
About our club

Lake Macquarie Camera Club Inc. is an incorporated association that was previously the Belmont 16s Photography Club. We meet at the Valentine Bowling Club on the eastern side of Lake Macquarie. Club members are required to join Valentine Bowling Club as social members.

Objectives of the Club

To provide members of the club with opportunities to advance the standard of their pictorial and technical photographic work.

To promote the exchange of information and ideas about photography through the provision of education and training programmes, newsletters, a website, and other means.

To encourage and assist members to participate in photographic competitions both within and beyond the Club.

Join our Club Special events All events - mouse over for details
7:00 pm Committee Meeting
Committee Meeting
Aug 7 @ 7:00 pm – 8:00 pm
The Club Committee meets on the first Wednesday night of each month from 7pm to 8pm via Zoom. If you have any issues that you would like the Committee to consider, please contact the Chairperson[...]
11:00 pm Submissions for The Leading Line...
Submissions for The Leading Line...
Aug 22 @ 11:00 pm
Each month the club publishes a newsletter called The Leading Line You will find all the latest news on a variety of topics including what’s happening on Zoom.   Send your submissions to our Newsletter[...]
7:00 pm Committee Meeting
Committee Meeting
Sep 4 @ 7:00 pm – 8:00 pm
The Club Committee meets on the first Wednesday night of each month from 7pm to 8pm via Zoom. If you have any issues that you would like the Committee to consider, please contact the Chairperson[...]
11:00 pm Submissions for The Leading Line...
Submissions for The Leading Line...
Sep 22 @ 11:00 pm
Each month the club publishes a newsletter called The Leading Line You will find all the latest news on a variety of topics including what’s happening on Zoom.   Send your submissions to our Newsletter[...]
Recent Posts Archives

Wildlife Presentation at Valentine Bowling Club

Hi to everyone, this Wednesday night May 24th Brent Mail a wildlife photographer, will be presenting at VBC for our hands on workshop for this month.

Brent Mail is an award winning professional photographer who teaches photography and runs a photo safari to Africa.
He grew up in Africa and now lives in Port Stephens.
Brent has distilled 20 years of knowledge and experience into a 7 step formula that will:
– Help you stay inspired and passionate about wildlife & nature photography
– Improve your wildlife photography year after year
– Build your confidence and skills
– Help you create more meaning images that tell stories
The presentation will begin at 7pm and there is a gold coin entry donation
Here are some of images from his presentation just to wet the appetite.
See you there

by Greg Carruthers, May 21, 2023

2023 Momento Pro Club Program

I know many members enjoy putting together photo books to presercve memories of trips they undertake or to show off some of their best images. We have recently received correspondence from Momento Pro about some changes to their Photography Club Program which includes an increased discount for members who use Momento Pro for their printed photo books. The following is some of the detail from this correspondence.

“We also want to advise that in 2023 the Momento Pro Club Program is undergoing some important service updates, to make administration easier and provide Club members with a better long-term discount;

  • The 10% discount has been increased to 15% on all print-on-demand orders
  • Eligible existing members can still redeem the 30% off first book discount until midnight AEST 16 July 2023

Promotional text

Join Momento Pro’s Club Program to enjoy an exclusive discount

Momento Pro is a proud supporter of Camera Club members as we know you appreciate printed photos more than most. We warmly invite you to join our Club Program to enjoy special benefits including access to our Pro software, as well as our full range of photo books, albums and stationery.

You’ll also enjoy a 15% discount on all print-on-demand orders, that is automatically applied at Checkout. Full Terms available online.*

We guarantee award-winning printing and premium products that will do your photos justice. Find out more and get started at momentopro.com.au/clubs.

Contact our friendly service team with any questions and enjoy creating!
The Momento Pro crew

Trackable link

Please use this link so we can track the visitors from your web page:


Click here to download.”


by Dennis Archibald, May 15, 2023

May Raw Image Challenge

My apologies for this months challenge lacking an image to be edited. All should now be in place and ready for download.

Considering the shaky start it seems appropriate that this months image be a little shaky as well. (Due to me kicking the tripod during exposure!) So here it is!

Give it your best edit and upload by the end of the month for judging.

April Raw Image Challenge is available for all members to now judge, just follow the blue link in the members area. Want to see the original unedited image follow this link https://belmont16s.myphotoclub.com.au/april-raw-image-challenge-2023/

Any questions or concerns please contact me


by Greg Carruthers, May 15, 2023

Membership Renewal 2023 to 2024 – Reminder

A special thanks to those members who have already  sent in their Lake Macquarie Camera Club membership forms, paid their club fees and have joined Valentine Bowling Club and provided a copy of their membership card showing that it is current for 2024.

For those members who have not yet renewed their membership you have until the 30th June to renew. We need to set this deadline so that we can close off the annual membership renewal process. After this date we will be assuming that past members of Belmont 16s Photography Club do not intend to join our new club and their access to the club website and ability to enter club competitions will be removed. New people joining the club or old members who miss the 30th June deadline can of course apply to join the club anew.

As you can appreciate we have a few gaps in information to fill in so over the coming weeks we will be contacting some people to make sure we have all the relevant information. We appreciate your continued support.

by Dennis Archibald, May 15, 2023

Zoom Workshop “Mastering Exposure”

Hi everyone, our Zoom workshop this week is on Wednesday 17th May at 7pm and Roy Killen will be presenting.

TOPIC: Mastering Exposure – Getting exposure correct requires much more than just putting your camera on Program or Auto and hoping for the best. This presentation will explore some of the challenges of getting optimal exposure and explain how you can use various camera exposure modes, metering modes and exposure compensation to avoid exposure problems. If you have ever wondered why some of your images have been over-exposed or under-exposed then this is a must attend session.

Have your questions ready. If you don’t know the answer, chances are there are many others who are just like you! Don’t be afraid to ask as we are all here to learn how to master our cameras and to improve on the images we capture.

Members can follow the Zoom link on our website with the meeting open from 6.45pm for a 7pm start. SEE YOU THERE!


by Greg Carruthers, May 15, 2023