
The club caters for photographers of all skill levels from beginners to highly experienced. You do not need expensive camera equipment to participate in club activities.

We meet at the Valentine Bowling Club at 7.00pm on the second Wednesday of each month. Members can participate in graded print and digital competitions. ZOOM tutorial sessions and hands on workshops occur on the third and fourth Wednesday in each month. Go to About/Help/Contact for more information.

Use the Join Our Club button to set up an account and sign up. Use the About Us button for more information and contacts.

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// Action for CLUBS
About our club

Lake Macquarie Camera Club Inc. is an incorporated association that was previously the Belmont 16s Photography Club. We meet at the Valentine Bowling Club on the eastern side of Lake Macquarie. Club members are required to join Valentine Bowling Club as social members.

Objectives of the Club

To provide members of the club with opportunities to advance the standard of their pictorial and technical photographic work.

To promote the exchange of information and ideas about photography through the provision of education and training programmes, newsletters, a website, and other means.

To encourage and assist members to participate in photographic competitions both within and beyond the Club.

Join our Club Special events All events - mouse over for details
11:00 pm Submissions for The Leading Line...
Submissions for The Leading Line...
Sep 22 @ 11:00 pm
Each month the club publishes a newsletter called The Leading Line You will find all the latest news on a variety of topics including what’s happening on Zoom.   Send your submissions to our Newsletter[...]
7:00 pm Committee Meeting
Committee Meeting
Oct 2 @ 7:00 pm – 8:00 pm
The Club Committee meets on the first Wednesday night of each month from 7pm to 8pm via Zoom. If you have any issues that you would like the Committee to consider, please contact the Chairperson[...]
11:00 pm Submissions for The Leading Line...
Submissions for The Leading Line...
Oct 22 @ 11:00 pm
Each month the club publishes a newsletter called The Leading Line You will find all the latest news on a variety of topics including what’s happening on Zoom.   Send your submissions to our Newsletter[...]
7:00 pm Committee Meeting
Committee Meeting
Nov 6 @ 7:00 pm – 8:00 pm
The Club Committee meets on the first Wednesday night of each month from 7pm to 8pm via Zoom. If you have any issues that you would like the Committee to consider, please contact the Chairperson[...]
11:00 pm Submissions for The Leading Line...
Submissions for The Leading Line...
Nov 22 @ 11:00 pm
Each month the club publishes a newsletter called The Leading Line You will find all the latest news on a variety of topics including what’s happening on Zoom.   Send your submissions to our Newsletter[...]
Recent Posts Archives

Belmont 16s Photography Club AGM 21 August 2019, Committee Nomination Form

It is that time of the year for you to decide your committee members for 2019-2020.

The Nomination Form for Committee Positions for 2019 – 2020 may be found on our website under All Club Documents and Information (the grey block on the right hand of the screen). Don’t forget that the club will require a new Presentations Co-ordinator.

Please complete the form(s) and submit to Susan Slack (Secretary) no later than 14 August 2019.

by Diane Schofield, July 10, 2019

Belmont 16s Photography Club Exhibitions May – June 2019

The exhibitions were very successful and drew a lot of visitors and complimentary comments. The success was due to the hard work of Katherine James and the team who helped organising the images. Thanks to Katherine, Susan Slack, Thomas Buckwalter, Bill Chambers, Jill Helps, Roy Killen and Colin Schofield.

The exhibitions involve a lot of hard work and it was wonderful to have the above members volunteer their time and labour.

by Diane Schofield, July 10, 2019

Have you entered the Lake Macquarie National Exhibition of Digital Photography 2019 ?

The closing date for entries is Sunday 4 August 2019. Now is the time to “strut your stuff” and that of your club. It is also time for you to support the competition’s Executive Chairman, Roy Killen, who spends hours organising this event. Remember that chap who does so many of our presentations and generously shares his notes?

The competition does not cost an arm an a leg, and, if you use your club award winners, it takes very little effort as well!

Please encourage the young members of your family and friends to enter the Youth Section. It is a wonderful way for them to begin their photographic journey.

by Diane Schofield, July 9, 2019

Wednesday 10 July 7.15pm Presentation Night – Bill Chambers

Bill Chambers will be presenting Basic Flash Techniques.

We have enjoyed several of Bill’s presentations this year and this one promises to be both interesting and informative. Bill has demonstrated his passion for continuous learning. He generally comes up with something new to add to you bag of tricks!

by Diane Schofield, July 8, 2019

Thank you Roy Killen

After tonight’s session, no-one in our club should be frustrated by their photographic problems!

The questions were wide and varied and the solutions were simply explained. Everyone who attended took away some terrific pearls of wisdom. The session also reinforced some principles, often overlooked by the most experienced photographers,

What became obvious to me was that a lot of our members are not taking advantage of the training documents. You will find them on at the bottom of the Presentation Schedule page.

Thank you Roy for another presentation, filled with great information.

by Diane Schofield, June 27, 2019