Good news. I can now advise that we have received approval from NSW Fair Trading to establish our new club under the name Lake Macquarie Camera Club Incorporated.

As an association independent from the club where we hold our meetings we will have to rely on fees, donations, sponsorships, and fund raising to generate the funds to run our new club. For many years Belmont 16s Sailing Club subsidised our photography club allowing us to charge a modest membership fee, but this will no longer be the case.  To this end and in line with the advice I gave at our February and March meetings our annual club membership fees will be increasing to $50.00 p.a. Maintaining our club in a sound financial position will allow us to offer good judges and presenters.

Similarly, to the arrangement with Belmont 16s we will also require that members join the Valentine Bowling Club (VBC) as social members. This is in recognition that VBC do not charge us for the use of their function room for our meetings. The current cost is $10.00 p.a.

The committee recognises that this is a significant increase to what members have been paying in the past, but it is comparable to annual fees for similar clubs in the local area.

This inaugural membership fee will cover you for the period up to and including 30th June 2024. After this date your annual membership fees will cover a financial year 1st July to 30th June. To join please complete the application form you will find at the link below and return via email to our club secretary Susan Slack. This form also includes the banking details so you can pay your membership fee. There are two forms, one a MS Word document that allows you to type directly into the relevant fields and a pdf for filling in, scanning and returning to Susan.

Valentine Bowling Club social memberships expire on the 30/4/2023. As soon as you can after this date pay your annual membership fee. Once you have your card take a photo and send the image to Susan Slack.

In line with starting a new club we will also be making changes to our existing website to reflect the changes to our club’s name. As you can appreciate this will take a little time. If you have the old club website bookmarked in your browser, you can continue to use that bookmark but change the name of the link to the new club’s name. Alternatively, a search using the following address will take you to the same site –

If you have any questions about applying for membership or other matters relating to our new club, please contact myself or one of your committee members.

Membership Form in MS Word – Lake Macquarie Camera Club Inc Membership Application Form V1.4 Locked

Membership Form pdf version – Lake Macquarie Camera Club Inc Membership Application Form V1.4 Locked