Hi everyone,

Please don’t forget that we run an Instagram page to feature the club’s awarded images.  The page is designed to attract interest to our club, and new members as well.  

If you would like any of your merit, honours or judges choice images from this year featured on our Instagram site, please email them through to belmont16sphoto.insta@gmail.com in an appropriate size. You can also add your watermark or signature to the file.

Our previous newsletters this year have provided information regarding copyright risks, and I would encourage you to read these before submitting an image if you have copyright concerns.

The appropriate sizes for instagram can be found at:  https://later.com/blog/instagram-image-size/

If you already use Instagram please find and follow us at Belmont16sphotoClub.

You can view our Instagram profile by using the below QR code:


Carol McGrath