Our first print night is this coming Wednesday!

Our regular print nights will resume at 7 pm Wednesday, April 21. This first night will be a special night and not part of the regular point-score.

Please enter & bring along your favourite prints as any previously entered prints CAN be submitted.
To use a previous entry, select the green “Select from previously uploaded images” button on the entry form and select one of your entries

Each member is invited to bring along three prints, with a maximum of two per section (may have been awarded previously). There is an entry form in the members’ area called “April 2021 Return to Prints”. There will be four sections:

  • Colour
  • Mono
  • Nature
  • Small prints

Can we please have four members arrive at 6 pm to set up stands. Please contact Colin (0419 624 347) if you can assist in this task.