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The club’s new website is now open at All members should have received an email with their new login details. If you have not received this email please contact Roy Killlen.
Entries for the March monthly competitions and for Round 3 of the PSA Interclub competitions must be made on the new website.
On Saturday 15th February you will receive an email to advise you that an account has been created for you on the new Lake Macquarie Camera Club website.
The email will have three important pieces of information:
a) The website link to use
b) A LogIn Name
c) A Password
Please use the link in the email and note that the LogIn Name and Password will NOT be the same as the login details you used on the old website.
If you want to, you may change your Password and LogIn Name after you login to the website by using the “My Account” menu and selecting “My Account Settings.”
Login Names are not case sensitive, and you can use your email address as your login name if you want to.
Passwords are case sensitive. We suggest you copy and paste in your password when you login for the first time and then change it to something you can easily remember. Your password may contain upper and lowercase letters, numbers and special characters or punctuation.
We have developed a User Guide for the new website to help you get acquainted with the functionality and menus available.
Ray Killen and David Richards
LMCC webmasters
The not-for-profit Port Stephens Community Arts Centre Inc is aiming to showcase the works of national, regional, and local artists, and to promote Port Stephens as a cultural destination worthy of a visit.
The 16th Port Stephens Art Prize will have 6 Categories for the 2025 Art Prize.
Please read the Conditions for Entry and category descriptions for details. Entries close February 21st.
David Richards
The Street Photography Interest Group will be holding an outing this Sunday 16th February in Newcastle. The exact location will be communicated later in the week when we have a clearer idea on the weather. We will be starting at 8.00am and we will be looking to capture images of lone figures in an open space, lost in their own thoughts. This outing is based on the set subject for April so this is a good chance to capture images for this competition. Please note the requirement that any images entered should be captured after 1st December 2024! If you are interested in coming along please let me know as soon as possible.
Our February club night is on this week, starting at 7.00pm on Wednesday 12th February in the Valentine Bowling Club Function Room. Hope to see you then.